Друзья! Напоминаем, что в связи с неблагоприятной обстановкой по гриппу и ОРВИ в библиотеках Сургута приостановлено проведение массовых мероприятий и введён запрет на посещение несовершеннолетними детьми. Однако это, конечно, не повод прекращать свои и наши общие занятия английским языком. Поэтому мы предлагаем вам новый формат «посещения» традиционного клуба «Английский в библиотеке» – онлайн.
Начиная с 20 марта, с понедельника по пятницу, материалы клуба (уроки, ссылки на обучающие материалы и т.д.), будут размещаться на сайте Центральной городской библиотеки им. А.С. Пушкина в разделе «Онлайн-мероприятия», что даст возможность всем желающим заниматься английским онлайн.
Подробная информация по тел. 28-56-93 (143), 28-58-22
A lesson for both groups on 21st March
Diamond geezer. London slang. Cockney accent usually, I suppose - 'diamond geezer!' 'Geezer!' It's dialect pronunciation in London for a 'guiser' - that's G-U-I-S-E-R - in other words, somebody who puts on a guise, a kind of mummer, if you like, a kind of travelling player. So that's where the word comes from.
But the modern usage in London and further afield - a geezer is, well, it means 'he's one of us'. An older person tends to be a geezer. You wouldn't usually call a child or a young man a geezer. It tends to be an older person. A geezer is your mate. It's somebody reliable, solid, a trustworthy person. And 'diamond' in front of it is, well, diamonds of course are wonderful things, they're special things, they're valuable things, so a diamond something, is a very special something. So, a diamond geezer is a reliable person who's really a very special person. So you add all that up, and you get an equivalent in 'he's a good sort', 'he's an OK chap', 'he's a great bloke', 'he's a good feller', 'he's a hero' - these are the glosses for diamond geezer.
But because it appeared in a 2005 film staring David Jason, 'Diamond Geezer', there is a touch of the eccentric and the maverick about it. Here, we're talking about a thief who's charming and cheeky and everybody loves him really, he's got a heart of gold, he's a good sort, he's not really a bad guy - he's a diamond geezer.
1. Read after the record, use this link:http://audiorazgovornik.ru/uroki-anglijskogo-yazyka/sovremennyj-anglijskij-yazyk/118-diamond-geezer
2. Find out the meaning of «Diamond Geezer » and write or explain its meaning.
3. What do you think of such persons?